








qn1589183140  发布于  2020-05-11 16:03:25
采纳率 0%

hisi3751V811 播放视频卡顿问题求助

各位大神 : 最近遇到海思v811 textureview的播放视频卡顿不流畅问题,求助大家
_____________________________HiPlayer Proc Control Info Begin__________
CurStreamIdx               :0
CurFrameType               :VID
CurFrameSize               :27253(bytes)
CurFramePts                :33033(ms)
SendAudio                  :1
SendVideo                  :1
SendSubtitle               :1
DumpAVEsData               :0
ReadFrameFromDemux(Try/OK) :3533/3533
SendVidToAVPlay(Try/OK)    :1366574/1983
SendAudToAVPlay(Try/OK)    :1549/1549
SendSubToSo(Try/OK)        :0/0
_____________________________HiPlayer Proc Control End_________________

video数据 try 了 1366574 次,送成功的次数只有 1983  次

05-07 10:17:35.093  2789  3568 D HiRMService_Performance: topActivity pkg : com.example.myapplication, class : com.example.myapplication.MainActivity
05-07 10:17:35.918  1792  2086 D audio_hal: out(0xe7b030e0) do_out_standby
05-07 10:17:35.918  1792  2086 D audio_hal: pcm_close card:device(hw:0:0)
05-07 10:17:35.923  2133  4054 D PowerManagerService: releaseWakeLockInternal: lock=73317369 [AudioMix], flags=0x0
05-07 10:17:35.923  2133  4054 D PowerManagerNotifier: onWakeLockReleased: flags=1, tag="AudioMix", packageName=audioserver, ownerUid=1041, ownerPid=0, workSource=null
05-07 10:17:35.923  2133  4054 D PowerManagerService: updateWakeLockSummaryLocked: mWakefulness=Awake, mWakeLockSummary=0x0
05-07 10:17:35.923  2133  4054 D PowerManagerService: updateUserActivitySummaryLocked: mWakefulness=Awake, mUserActivitySummary=0x1, nextTimeout=2150502157 (in 2147473457 ms)
05-07 10:17:35.923  2133  4054 D PowerManagerService: updateDisplayPowerStateLocked: mDisplayReady=true, policy=3, mWakefulness=1, mWakeLockSummary=0x0, mUserActivitySummary=0x1, mBootCompleted=true, mSce
05-07 10:17:36.095  2789  3568 D HiRMService_Performance: topActivity pkg : com.example.myapplication, class : com.example.myapplication.MainActivity
05-07 10:17:37.096  2789  3568 D HiRMService_Performance: topActivity pkg : com.example.myapplication, class : com.example.myapplication.MainActivity
05-07 10:17:37.428  2133  2214 D WindowManager: interceptKeyTq keycode=23 interactive=true keyguardActive=false policyFlags=22000000
05-07 10:17:37.429  3604  3604 I Hardware: [MyKeyEventService][OnKeyEvent]
05-07 10:17:37.430  2133  2213 D PowerManagerService: userActivityNoUpdateLocked: eventTime=3030204, event=1, flags=0x0, uid=1000
05-07 10:17:37.431  2133  2213 D PowerManagerNotifier: onUserActivity: event=1, uid=1000
05-07 10:17:37.431  2133  2213 D PowerManagerService: updateUserActivitySummaryLocked: mWakefulness=Awake, mUserActivitySummary=0x1, nextTimeout=2150506851 (in 2147476643 ms)
05-07 10:17:37.431  2133  2213 D PowerManagerService: updateDisplayPowerStateLocked: mDisplayReady=true, policy=3, mWakefulness=1, mWakeLockSummary=0x0, mUserActivitySummary=0x1, mBootCompleted=true, mSce
05-07 10:17:37.431  2133  2213 D WindowManager: interceptKeyTi keyCode=23 down=true repeatCount=0 keyguardOn=false mHomePressed=false canceled=false
05-07 10:17:37.433  2679  2679 D RemoteIME: keycode: 23, realAction: false
05-07 10:17:37.655  2133  2214 D WindowManager: interceptKeyTq keycode=23 interactive=true keyguardActive=false policyFlags=22000000
05-07 10:17:37.656  3604  3604 I Hardware: [MyKeyEventService][OnKeyEvent]
05-07 10:17:37.657  2133  2213 D WindowManager: interceptKeyTi keyCode=23 down=false repeatCount=0 keyguardOn=false mHomePressed=false canceled=false
05-07 10:17:37.660  2679  2679 D RemoteIME: keycode: 23, realAction: true
05-07 10:17:37.695  1933  4087 I APM_AudioPolicyManager: hidptcheckAndSetVolume stream is 1, can't set speaker volume
05-07 10:17:37.696  1792  4549 D audio_hal: pcm_open card:device(hw:0:0) flags(0x8) out(0xe7b030e0)
05-07 10:17:37.697  2133  4054 D PowerManagerService: acquireWakeLockInternal: lock=454961, flags=0x1, tag="AudioMix", ws=null, uid=1041, pid=0
05-07 10:17:37.697  2133  4054 D PowerManagerService: updateWakeLockSummaryLocked: mWakefulness=Awake, mWakeLockSummary=0x0
05-07 10:17:37.698  2133  4054 D PowerManagerService: updateUserActivitySummaryLocked: mWakefulness=Awake, mUserActivitySummary=0x1, nextTimeout=2150506851 (in 2147476376 ms)
05-07 10:17:37.698  2133  4054 D PowerManagerService: updateDisplayPowerStateLocked: mDisplayReady=true, policy=3, mWakefulness=1, mWakeLockSummary=0x0, mUserActivitySummary=0x1, mBootCompleted=true, mSce
05-07 10:17:37.698  2133  4054 D PowerManagerNotifier: onWakeLockAcquired: flags=1, tag="AudioMix", packageName=audioserver, ownerUid=1041, ownerPid=0, workSource=null
05-07 10:17:37.700  2133  6278 I ActivityManager: START u0 {cmp=com.example.myapplication/.ShidxActivity} from uid 10051
05-07 10:17:37.705  2133  4054 D PowerManagerService: updateWakeLockWorkSourceInternal: lock=454961 [AudioMix], ws=WorkSource{1000}
05-07 10:17:37.705  2133  4054 D PowerManagerNotifier: onWakeLockReleased: flags=1, tag="AudioMix", packageName=audioserver, ownerUid=1041, ownerPid=0, workSource=null
05-07 10:17:37.705  2133  4054 D PowerManagerNotifier: onWakeLockAcquired: flags=1, tag="AudioMix", packageName=audioserver, ownerUid=1041, ownerPid=0, workSource=WorkSource{1000}
05-07 10:17:37.706  2133  6278 D PowerManagerService: acquireWakeLockInternal: lock=99811030, flags=0x1, tag="*launch*", ws=WorkSource{10051}, uid=1000, pid=2133
05-07 10:17:37.706  2133  6278 D PowerManagerService: updateWakeLockSummaryLocked: mWakefulness=Awake, mWakeLockSummary=0x0
05-07 10:17:37.706  2133  6278 D PowerManagerService: updateUserActivitySummaryLocked: mWakefulness=Awake, mUserActivitySummary=0x1, nextTimeout=2150506851 (in 2147476368 ms)
05-07 10:17:37.706  2133  6278 D PowerManagerService: updateDisplayPowerStateLocked: mDisplayReady=true, policy=3, mWakefulness=1, mWakeLockSummary=0x0, mUserActivitySummary=0x1, mBootCompleted=true, mSce
05-07 10:17:37.706  2133  6278 D PowerManagerNotifier: onWakeLockAcquired: flags=1, tag="*launch*", packageName=android, ownerUid=1000, ownerPid=2133, workSource=WorkSource{10051}
05-07 10:17:37.763  6361  6361 W DecorView: DecorView - SCREEN_WEITH = 3840 - SCREE_HEIGHT = 2160
05-07 10:17:37.810  6361  6366 I zygote64: Do full code cache collection, code=125KB, data=101KB
05-07 10:17:37.811  6361  6366 I zygote64: After code cache collection, code=125KB, data=72KB
05-07 10:17:37.819  1797  1797 I Gralloc1Allocator: allocate createDescriptor desc: 0x6fde259000
05-07 10:17:37.819  1797  1797 I gralloc : mali_gralloc_select_format: req_format=0x00000001 req_fmt_mapped=0x1 internal_format=0x300000001 usage=0x900
05-07 10:17:37.821  1797  1797 I Gralloc1Allocator: allocate createDescriptor desc: 0x6fde259000
05-07 10:17:37.821  1797  1797 I gralloc : mali_gralloc_select_format: req_format=0x00000001 req_fmt_mapped=0x1 internal_format=0x300000001 usage=0x900
05-07 10:17:37.824  1797  1797 I Gralloc1Allocator: allocate createDescriptor desc: 0x6fde259000
05-07 10:17:37.826  1797  1797 I gralloc : mali_gralloc_select_format: req_format=0x00000001 req_fmt_mapped=0x1 internal_format=0x300000001 usage=0x900
05-07 10:17:37.829  6361  6380 D mali_winsys: EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, egl_color_buffer_format *, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000
05-07 10:17:37.859  6361  6361 E SDX     : onSurfaceTextureAvailable onSurfaceTextureAvailable
05-07 10:17:37.861  1797  1797 I Gralloc1Allocator: allocate createDescriptor desc: 0x6fde259000
05-07 10:17:37.861  1797  1797 I gralloc : mali_gralloc_select_format: req_format=0x00000001 req_fmt_mapped=0x1 internal_format=0x300000001 usage=0xb00
05-07 10:17:37.870  1792  2086 D audio_hal: out_get_latency: out(0xe7b030e0) latency=20
05-07 10:17:37.873  1944  2953 I MediaPlayerFactory: use hiplayer with VO output for e.myapplication
05-07 10:17:37.895  1944  1944 I Binder:1944_2: type=1400 audit(0.0:218): avc: denied { read } for name="cmdline" dev="proc" ino=4026531923 scontext=u:r:mediaserver:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:proc:s0 tclass=1
05-07 10:17:37.895  1944  2953 I HI_RM   : [-320041625 NOTICE-HI_RM]:HI_MPI_RM_Init[601]:g_u32RmDevInitCnt = 1
05-07 10:17:37.895  1944  2953 D hal_aout: out_init called
05-07 10:17:37.896  1944  2953 E Invalid : [-320041624 ERROR-Invalid]:All_FLash_Init[393]:emmc init fail!
05-07 10:17:37.896  1944  2953 E Invalid : [-320041624 ERROR-Invalid]:HI_Flash_OpenByName[908]:Flash not init!
05-07 10:17:37.896  1944  2953 E HI_PWM  : [-320041624 ERROR-HI_PWM]:HI_UNF_PDM_GetDevInfo[5799]:ERR: call HI_Flash_OpenByName fail
05-07 10:17:37.896  1944  2953 F Invalid : [-320041624 FATAL-Invalid]:HI_UNF_AMP_Init[45]:OpenAMPDevice err
05-07 10:17:37.898  1944  2953 W HI_ADEC : [-320041622 WARN-HI_ADEC]:ADEC_RegisterDecoderImple[46]:Register Failed because dlopen fail
05-07 10:17:37.898  1944  2953 W HI_ADEC : [-320041622 WARN-HI_ADEC]:ADEC_RegisterDecoderImple[47]:pszDecoderDllName = libHA.AUDIO.DOLBYPLUS.decode.so
05-07 10:17:37.899  1944  2953 W HI_ADEC : [-320041621 WARN-HI_ADEC]:ADEC_RegisterDecoderImple[48]:dlerror() = dlopen failed: library "libHA.AUDIO.DOLBYPLUS.decode.so" not found
05-07 10:17:37.899  1944  2953 E HI_AVPLAY: [-320041621 ERROR-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_RegisterAcodecLib[5771]:Call [ HI_MPI_ADEC_RegisterDecoder ] Failed, Error Code: [0x80140002]
05-07 10:17:37.899  1944  2953 E AV      : Do HI_UNF_AVPLAY_RegisterAcodecLib("libHA.AUDIO.DOLBYPLUS.decode.so") error, error code = 0x80140002
05-07 10:17:37.899  1944  2953 W HI_ADEC : [-320041621 WARN-HI_ADEC]:ADEC_RegisterDecoderImple[46]:Register Failed because dlopen fail
05-07 10:17:37.899  1944  2953 W HI_ADEC : [-320041621 WARN-HI_ADEC]:ADEC_RegisterDecoderImple[47]:pszDecoderDllName = libHA.AUDIO.DTSHD.decode.so
05-07 10:17:37.899  1944  2953 W HI_ADEC : [-320041621 WARN-HI_ADEC]:ADEC_RegisterDecoderImple[48]:dlerror() = dlopen failed: library "libHA.AUDIO.DTSHD.decode.so" not found
05-07 10:17:37.899  1944  2953 E HI_AVPLAY: [-320041621 ERROR-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_RegisterAcodecLib[5771]:Call [ HI_MPI_ADEC_RegisterDecoder ] Failed, Error Code: [0x80140002]
05-07 10:17:37.899  1944  2953 E AV      : Do HI_UNF_AVPLAY_RegisterAcodecLib("libHA.AUDIO.DTSHD.decode.so") error, error code = 0x80140002
05-07 10:17:37.899  1944  2953 W HI_ADEC : [-320041621 WARN-HI_ADEC]:ADEC_RegisterDecoderImple[46]:Register Failed because dlopen fail
05-07 10:17:37.899  1944  2953 W HI_ADEC : [-320041621 WARN-HI_ADEC]:ADEC_RegisterDecoderImple[47]:pszDecoderDllName = libHA.AUDIO.DTSM6.decode.so
05-07 10:17:37.899  1944  2953 W HI_ADEC : [-320041621 WARN-HI_ADEC]:ADEC_RegisterDecoderImple[48]:dlerror() = dlopen failed: library "libHA.AUDIO.DTSM6.decode.so" not found
05-07 10:17:37.899  1944  2953 E HI_AVPLAY: [-320041621 ERROR-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_RegisterAcodecLib[5771]:Call [ HI_MPI_ADEC_RegisterDecoder ] Failed, Error Code: [0x80140002]
05-07 10:17:37.899  1944  2953 E AV      : Do HI_UNF_AVPLAY_RegisterAcodecLib("libHA.AUDIO.DTSM6.decode.so") error, error code = 0x80140002
05-07 10:17:37.899  1944  2953 W HI_ADEC : [-320041621 WARN-HI_ADEC]:ADEC_RegisterDecoderImple[46]:Register Failed because dlopen fail
05-07 10:17:37.899  1944  2953 W HI_ADEC : [-320041621 WARN-HI_ADEC]:ADEC_RegisterDecoderImple[47]:pszDecoderDllName = libHA.AUDIO.MP2.decode.so
05-07 10:17:37.899  1944  2953 W HI_ADEC : [-320041621 WARN-HI_ADEC]:ADEC_RegisterDecoderImple[48]:dlerror() = dlopen failed: library "libHA.AUDIO.MP2.decode.so" not found
05-07 10:17:37.900  1798  1798 I vndksupport: sphal namespace is not configured for this process. Loading /vendor/lib64/hw/gralloc.bigfish.so from the current namespace instead.
05-07 10:17:37.899  1944  2953 E HI_AVPLAY: [-320041621 ERROR-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_RegisterAcodecLib[5771]:Call [ HI_MPI_ADEC_RegisterDecoder ] Failed, Error Code: [0x80140002]
05-07 10:17:37.900  1944  2953 E AV      : Do HI_UNF_AVPLAY_RegisterAcodecLib("libHA.AUDIO.MP2.decode.so") error, error code = 0x80140002
05-07 10:17:37.901  1944  2953 W HI_ADEC : [-320041619 WARN-HI_ADEC]:ADEC_RegisterDecoderImple[46]:Register Failed because dlopen fail
05-07 10:17:37.901  1944  2953 W HI_ADEC : [-320041619 WARN-HI_ADEC]:ADEC_RegisterDecoderImple[47]:pszDecoderDllName = libHA.AUDIO.DRA.decode.so
05-07 10:17:37.901  1944  2953 W HI_ADEC : [-320041619 WARN-HI_ADEC]:ADEC_RegisterDecoderImple[48]:dlerror() = dlopen failed: library "libHA.AUDIO.DRA.decode.so" not found
05-07 10:17:37.901  1944  2953 E HI_AVPLAY: [-320041619 ERROR-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_RegisterAcodecLib[5771]:Call [ HI_MPI_ADEC_RegisterDecoder ] Failed, Error Code: [0x80140002]
05-07 10:17:37.901  1944  2953 E AV      : Do HI_UNF_AVPLAY_RegisterAcodecLib("libHA.AUDIO.DRA.decode.so") error, error code = 0x80140002
05-07 10:17:37.901  1944  2953 W HI_ADEC : [-320041619 WARN-HI_ADEC]:ADEC_RegisterDecoderImple[46]:Register Failed because dlopen fail
05-07 10:17:37.902  1944  2953 W HI_ADEC : [-320041618 WARN-HI_ADEC]:ADEC_RegisterDecoderImple[47]:pszDecoderDllName = libHA.AUDIO.DOLBYTRUEHD.decode.so
05-07 10:17:37.902  1944  2953 W HI_ADEC : [-320041618 WARN-HI_ADEC]:ADEC_RegisterDecoderImple[48]:dlerror() = dlopen failed: library "libHA.AUDIO.DOLBYTRUEHD.decode.so" not found
05-07 10:17:37.902  1944  2953 E HI_AVPLAY: [-320041618 ERROR-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_RegisterAcodecLib[5771]:Call [ HI_MPI_ADEC_RegisterDecoder ] Failed, Error Code: [0x80140002]
05-07 10:17:37.902  1944  2953 E AV      : Do HI_UNF_AVPLAY_RegisterAcodecLib("libHA.AUDIO.DOLBYTRUEHD.decode.so") error, error code = 0x80140002
05-07 10:17:37.902  1944  2953 W HI_ADEC : [-320041618 WARN-HI_ADEC]:ADEC_RegisterDecoderImple[46]:Register Failed because dlopen fail
05-07 10:17:37.902  1944  2953 W HI_ADEC : [-320041618 WARN-HI_ADEC]:ADEC_RegisterDecoderImple[47]:pszDecoderDllName = libHA.AUDIO.TRUEHDPASSTHROUGH.decode.so
05-07 10:17:37.902  1944  2953 W HI_ADEC : [-320041618 WARN-HI_ADEC]:ADEC_RegisterDecoderImple[48]:dlerror() = dlopen failed: library "libHA.AUDIO.TRUEHDPASSTHROUGH.decode.so" not found
05-07 10:17:37.902  1944  2953 E HI_AVPLAY: [-320041618 ERROR-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_RegisterAcodecLib[5771]:Call [ HI_MPI_ADEC_RegisterDecoder ] Failed, Error Code: [0x80140002]
05-07 10:17:37.902  1944  2953 E AV      : Do HI_UNF_AVPLAY_RegisterAcodecLib("libHA.AUDIO.TRUEHDPASSTHROUGH.decode.so") error, error code = 0x80140002
05-07 10:17:37.904  1944  2953 W HI_ADEC : [-320041616 WARN-HI_ADEC]:ADEC_RegisterDecoderImple[46]:Register Failed because dlopen fail
05-07 10:17:37.904  1944  2953 W HI_ADEC : [-320041616 WARN-HI_ADEC]:ADEC_RegisterDecoderImple[47]:pszDecoderDllName = libHA.AUDIO.WMA.decode.so
05-07 10:17:37.904  1944  2953 W HI_ADEC : [-320041616 WARN-HI_ADEC]:ADEC_RegisterDecoderImple[48]:dlerror() = dlopen failed: library "libHA.AUDIO.WMA.decode.so" not found
05-07 10:17:37.904  1944  2953 E HI_AVPLAY: [-320041616 ERROR-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_RegisterAcodecLib[5771]:Call [ HI_MPI_ADEC_RegisterDecoder ] Failed, Error Code: [0x80140002]
05-07 10:17:37.904  1944  2953 E AV      : Do HI_UNF_AVPLAY_RegisterAcodecLib("libHA.AUDIO.WMA.decode.so") error, error code = 0x80140002
05-07 10:17:37.917  1944  2953 W HI_ADEC : [-320041603 WARN-HI_ADEC]:ADEC_RegisterDecoderImple[46]:Register Failed because dlopen fail
05-07 10:17:37.917  1944  2953 W HI_ADEC : [-320041603 WARN-HI_ADEC]:ADEC_RegisterDecoderImple[47]:pszDecoderDllName = libHA.AUDIO.AC3PASSTHROUGH.decode.so
05-07 10:17:37.917  1944  2953 W HI_ADEC : [-320041603 WARN-HI_ADEC]:ADEC_RegisterDecoderImple[48]:dlerror() = dlopen failed: library "libHA.AUDIO.AC3PASSTHROUGH.decode.so" not found
05-07 10:17:37.917  1944  2953 E HI_AVPLAY: [-320041603 ERROR-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_RegisterAcodecLib[5771]:Call [ HI_MPI_ADEC_RegisterDecoder ] Failed, Error Code: [0x80140002]
05-07 10:17:37.917  1944  2953 E AV      : Do HI_UNF_AVPLAY_RegisterAcodecLib("libHA.AUDIO.AC3PASSTHROUGH.decode.so") error, error code = 0x80140002
05-07 10:17:37.917  1944  2953 W HI_ADEC : [-320041603 WARN-HI_ADEC]:ADEC_RegisterDecoderImple[46]:Register Failed because dlopen fail
05-07 10:17:37.917  1944  2953 W HI_ADEC : [-320041603 WARN-HI_ADEC]:ADEC_RegisterDecoderImple[47]:pszDecoderDllName = libHA.AUDIO.DTSPASSTHROUGH.decode.so
05-07 10:17:37.917  1944  2953 W HI_ADEC : [-320041603 WARN-HI_ADEC]:ADEC_RegisterDecoderImple[48]:dlerror() = dlopen failed: library "libHA.AUDIO.DTSPASSTHROUGH.decode.so" not found
05-07 10:17:37.917  1944  2953 E HI_AVPLAY: [-320041603 ERROR-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_RegisterAcodecLib[5771]:Call [ HI_MPI_ADEC_RegisterDecoder ] Failed, Error Code: [0x80140002]
05-07 10:17:37.917  1944  2953 E AV      : Do HI_UNF_AVPLAY_RegisterAcodecLib("libHA.AUDIO.DTSPASSTHROUGH.decode.so") error, error code = 0x80140002
05-07 10:17:37.918  1944  2953 I HI_AVPLAY: [-320041602 NOTICE-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_Init[4559]: ===>[Enter]
05-07 10:17:37.918  1944  2953 I HI_AVPLAY: [-320041602 NOTICE-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_Init[4598]: <===[Exit]
05-07 10:17:37.918  1944  2953 F HiPlayer: [10:17:37.918] [hi_svr_player.c:199] HiPlayer V4.0.4.0, buiding at Aug  9 2018 14:13:09
05-07 10:17:37.918  1944  2953 F HiPlayer:  
05-07 10:17:37.918  1944  2953 V HisiMediaPlayer_MediaSystem: current HiMediaSystem lib version is
05-07 10:17:37.919  1944  2953 E HiPlayer: [10:17:37.919]: [svr_format.c:_SVR_FORMAT_RegisterDynamic:123] dlopen failed: library "libextrator_demux.so" not found, ret 0x0
05-07 10:17:37.919  1944  2953 E HiPlayer: [10:17:37.919]: [svr_format.c:_SVR_FORMAT_RegisterDynamic:124] dlopen fail, ret 0xffffffff
05-07 10:17:37.919  1944  2953 E HisiMediaPlayer_MediaSystem: ERR: HI_SVR_PLAYER_RegisterDynamic libextrator_demux.so fail
05-07 10:17:37.920  1792  2086 D audio_hal: out_get_latency: out(0xe7b030e0) latency=20
05-07 10:17:37.922  1944  2953 V HisiMediaPlayer_MediaSystem: HiMediaSystem::initPlayer() OK inst num [1]
05-07 10:17:37.922  1944  2953 D hal_aout: out_init called
05-07 10:17:37.922  1944  2953 D hal_aout: out_open called
05-07 10:17:37.922  1944  2953 D hal_aout: found all port use default port
05-07 10:17:37.922  1944  2953 E         : open new channle, instCout is 1
05-07 10:17:37.922  1944  2953 V HisiMediaPlayer: [SWITCH-PG ] initResource consume: 28 ms,sdk use:24 ms
05-07 10:17:37.923  1944  2953 V HiMediaPlayerManage: initCheck
05-07 10:17:37.925  1944  2953 V HiMediaPlayerManage: HiMediaPlayerManage setAudioSink
05-07 10:17:37.925  1944  2953 V HiMediaPlayerManage: Call setDataSource IN
05-07 10:17:37.925  1944  2953 V HiMediaPlayerManage: setDataSource(7, 0, 143750525)
05-07 10:17:37.925  1944  2953 V HiMediaPlayerManage: st_dev  = 26
05-07 10:17:37.925  1944  2953 V HiMediaPlayerManage: st_mode = 33200
05-07 10:17:37.925  1944  2953 V HiMediaPlayerManage: st_uid  = 0
05-07 10:17:37.925  1944  2953 V HiMediaPlayerManage: st_gid  = 9997
05-07 10:17:37.925  1944  2953 V HiMediaPlayerManage: st_size = 143750525
05-07 10:17:37.925  1944  2953 V HisiMediaPlayer: [SWITCH-PG ] HiMediaPlayer::setDataSource fd[7] offset[0] length[143750525]
05-07 10:17:37.925  1944  2953 V HisiMediaPlayer: HiMediaPlayer::setProcInfo,etype=3,time=227923333
05-07 10:17:37.925  1944  2953 V HiMediaPlayerManage: HiMediaPlayerManage::getDefaultBufferingSettings:0xe69ff780
05-07 10:17:37.925  1944  2953 I HisiMediaPlayer: HiMediaPlayer::getDefaultBufferingSettings in
05-07 10:17:37.925  1944  2953 I HisiMediaPlayer: PrepType:1, EnoughSize:-1, EnoughTime:12000
05-07 10:17:37.925  1944  2953 I HisiMediaPlayer: ReBufferType:1, EnoughSize:-1, StartSize:-1, EnoughTime:12000, StartTime:500
05-07 10:17:37.926  1944  2953 D SurfaceUtils: connecting to surface 0xe6cd3008, reason setVideoSurfaceTexture
05-07 10:17:37.926  1944  2953 V HiMediaPlayerManage: setVideoSurfaceTexture
05-07 10:17:37.926  1944  2953 V HiMediaPlayerManage: HiMediaPlayerManage::setVideoSurfaceTexture:0xe6ca93c0
05-07 10:17:37.926  1944  2953 D HisiMediaPlayer: HiMediaPlayer::setSurfaceTexture
05-07 10:17:37.927  1944  2953 V HisiMediaPlayer: new surface, dequeue buffer can not block
05-07 10:17:37.928  1944  2953 I HisiMediaPlayer: not use sideband, mWndFreezeMode:1, force set to black switch mode.
05-07 10:17:37.928  1944  2953 E HisiMediaPlayer_VSINK: get property failed
05-07 10:17:37.928  1944  2953 D HisiMediaPlayer_VSINK: vsink set native window 0xe6cd3808 ok, created by sf:0, usage:0x60000200
05-07 10:17:37.928  1944  2953 D HisiMediaPlayer: Going to set VSINK:0xe6cc44d8
05-07 10:17:37.928  1944  2953 D HisiMediaPlayer: command queue has not created, set vsink directly
05-07 10:17:37.928  1944  2953 D HisiMediaPlayer_VSINK: destroying HiVSink
05-07 10:17:37.928  1944  2953 D HisiMediaPlayer_VSINK: destroying HiVSink OK
05-07 10:17:37.928  6361  6400 W MediaPlayer: Use of stream types is deprecated for operations other than volume control
05-07 10:17:37.928  6361  6400 W MediaPlayer: See the documentation of setAudioStreamType() for what to use instead with android.media.AudioAttributes to qualify your playback use case
05-07 10:17:37.930  1944  2953 V HiMediaPlayerManage: Call prepareAsync IN
05-07 10:17:37.930  1944  2953 V HiMediaPlayerManage: Call prepareAsync_l IN
05-07 10:17:37.930  1944  2953 D HiMediaPlayerManage: TIMEDTEXT in HiMediaPlayerManage::prepareAsync_l enter, ready to update timedtextflag
05-07 10:17:37.930  1944  2953 V HisiMediaPlayer: [SWITCH-PG ] Call prepareAsync IN
05-07 10:17:37.930  1944  2953 V HisiMediaPlayer: HiMediaPlayer::setProcInfo,etype=5,time=227923338
05-07 10:17:37.930  1944  2953 V HiMediaPlayerManage: message received msg=200, ext1=710, ext2=20
05-07 10:17:37.930  1944  2953 W HiMediaPlayerManage: info/warning (710, 20)
05-07 10:17:37.930  1944  2953 V HiMediaPlayerManage: back from callback
05-07 10:17:37.930  1944  2953 V HisiMediaPlayer: prepareAsync CreatePlayer
05-07 10:17:37.930  1944  2953 V HisiMediaPlayer: [SWITCH-PG ] start create HiPlayer...
05-07 10:17:37.930  1944  2953 V HisiMediaPlayer: HiMediaPlayer::CommandQueue construct!
05-07 10:17:37.931  1944  6402 V HisiMediaPlayer: HiMediaPlayer::CommandQueue::run()
05-07 10:17:37.931  1944  2953 V HisiMediaPlayer: HiMediaPlayer::CommandQueue construct OUT!
05-07 10:17:37.931  1944  2953 V HisiMediaPlayer_SurfaceSetting: HiMediaPlayer::surfaceSetting::init
05-07 10:17:37.931  1944  2953 V HisiMediaPlayer_SurfaceSetting: init mCvrs is 6
05-07 10:17:37.931  1944  2953 V HisiMediaPlayer_SurfaceSetting: setVideoWindowAttr mWindow error
05-07 10:17:37.931  1944  2953 I HisiMediaPlayer: not use sideband, mWndFreezeMode:1, force set to black switch mode.
05-07 10:17:37.931  1944  2953 I HisiMediaPlayer: u32DisableSetWinRect:0
05-07 10:17:37.931  1944  2953 V HisiMediaPlayer: set vdec error cover: 100
05-07 10:17:37.931  1944  2953 V HisiMediaPlayer: Init screen resolution w[1920] h [1080]
05-07 10:17:37.931  1797  1797 I Gralloc1Allocator: allocate createDescriptor desc: 0x6fde259000
05-07 10:17:37.931  1797  1797 I gralloc : mali_gralloc_select_format: req_format=0x00000001 req_fmt_mapped=0x1 internal_format=0x300000001 usage=0xb00
05-07 10:17:37.931  1944  2953 E HiPlayer: [10:17:37.931] [svr_padpt.c:4338] Pointer pstMember is NULL, Exit SVR_PADPT_SetParam [result code = 0x80ff0100]
05-07 10:17:37.932  1944  2953 E HiPlayer: [10:17:37.932]: [svr_format.c:SVR_FORMAT_Invoke:916] invalid param, ret 0xffffffff
05-07 10:17:37.932  1944  2953 W HiPlayer: [10:17:37.932] [svr_pctrl.c:6914] set log level is 4  
05-07 10:17:37.932  1944  2953 V HisiMediaPlayer: ERR: HI_SVR_PLAYER_Invoke Set Log Level Fail
05-07 10:17:37.932  1944  6403 I HiPlayer: [10:17:37.932] [svr_proc_intf.c:1167] module name = hiplayer00, module id = 258  
05-07 10:17:37.933  1944  2953 I HiPlayer: [10:17:37.933] [svr_pctrl.c:6981] set surface type 0
05-07 10:17:37.933  1944  2953 E HiPlayer: [10:17:37.933] [svr_padpt.c:5231] Pointer pstMember is NULL, Exit SVR_PADPT_Invoke [result code = 0x80ff0100]
05-07 10:17:37.933  1944  2953 V HisiMediaPlayer: HiMediaPlayer::getTrueHDSetting 0
05-07 10:17:37.933  1944  2953 V HisiMediaPlayer: [SWITCH-PG ] create HiPlayer...done
05-07 10:17:37.933  1944  2953 V HiMediaPlayerManage: message received msg=200, ext1=710, ext2=40
05-07 10:17:37.933  1944  2953 W HiMediaPlayerManage: info/warning (710, 40)
05-07 10:17:37.933  1944  2953 V HiMediaPlayerManage: back from callback
05-07 10:17:37.933  1944  2953 V HisiMediaPlayer: enqueue PrepareCommand
05-07 10:17:37.933  1944  6402 V HisiMediaPlayer: [SWITCH-PG ] Call doPrepare IN
05-07 10:17:37.933  1944  6402 E HiPlayer: [10:17:37.933]: [svr_pctrl.c:_SVR_PCTRL_NetworkInvoke:6638] invalid param, ret 0xffffffff
05-07 10:17:37.933  1944  6402 W HisiMediaPlayer: Warn: doPrepare HI_FORMAT_INVOKE_SET_HEADERS fail!
05-07 10:17:37.933  1944  6402 E HiPlayer: [10:17:37.933]: [svr_pctrl.c:_SVR_PCTRL_BufInvoke:6765] media file no open, ret 0xffffffff
05-07 10:17:37.933  1944  6402 E HiPlayer: [10:17:37.933]: [svr_pctrl.c:_SVR_PCTRL_BufInvoke:6671] media file no open, ret 0x0
05-07 10:17:37.933  1944  6402 I HiPlayer: [10:17:37.933] [svr_pctrl.c:6740] HI_FORMAT_INVOKE_SET_BUFFER_CONFIG, eType:1, s64EventStart:500, s64EventEnough:12000
05-07 10:17:37.933  1944  6402 E HiPlayer: [10:17:37.933]: [svr_pctrl.c:_SVR_PCTRL_BufInvoke:6743] media file no open, ret 0x0
05-07 10:17:37.933  1944  6402 W HiPlayer: [10:17:37.933] [svr_pctrl.c:6776] Set buffer under run:1
05-07 10:17:37.933  1944  6402 I HiPlayer: [10:17:37.933] [svr_pctrl.c:6700] HI_FORMAT_INVOKE_SET_BUFFER_PREPARE_CONFIG:type:1,enoughSize:0,enoughTime:0
05-07 10:17:37.933  1944  6402 V HisiMediaPlayer: ERR: HI_SVR_PLAYER_Invoke set buffer config fail, maybe is local file!
05-07 10:17:37.933  1944  6402 V HisiMediaPlayer: BufferConfig:type(1)
05-07 10:17:37.933  1944  6402 V HisiMediaPlayer: s64EventStart:500
05-07 10:17:37.933  1944  6402 V HisiMediaPlayer: s64EventEnough:12000
05-07 10:17:37.933  1944  6402 V HisiMediaPlayer: s64Total:20000
05-07 10:17:37.933  1944  6402 V HisiMediaPlayer: s64TimeOut:0
05-07 10:17:37.933  1944  6402 V HisiMediaPlayer: mUnderrun(1)
05-07 10:17:37.933  1944  6402 V HisiMediaPlayer: s64BufMaxSize:83886080
05-07 10:17:37.933  1944  6402 I HiPlayer: [10:17:37.933] [svr_file.c:137] use hiplayer file protocol!
05-07 10:17:37.936  6361  6374 W MediaPlayerNative: info/warning (710, 20)
05-07 10:17:37.936  6361  6379 W MediaPlayerNative: info/warning (710, 40)
05-07 10:17:37.936  1944  6402 E HiPlayer: [10:17:37.936]: [svr_lrcdec.c:LRC_DEMUXER_Find:836] not lrc file, ret 0xffffffff
05-07 10:17:37.936  1944  6402 E HiPlayer: [10:17:37.936]: [svr_subdec.c:SUB_DEMUXER_Find:884] not sub file, ret 0xffffffff
05-07 10:17:37.944  1792  2086 D audio_hal: out_get_latency: out(0xe7b030e0) latency=20
05-07 10:17:37.948  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  : [bufferseek]line:6946,bSupportBufSeek:0, s32LeftBufPercent:10
05-07 10:17:37.948  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  : [hi_svr_format.c,13475] SVR_MSG_Init cFileName: 0x19020003
05-07 10:17:37.948  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  : [hi_svr_format.c:Thread_doInvoke:10544]: s32HttpDownloadSizeOnce='0'
05-07 10:17:37.948  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  : DRM client 0x0
05-07 10:17:37.948  1944  6402 E FFMPEG  : [hi_svr_format.c:11389] Pointer pArg is NULL, return failure
05-07 10:17:37.948  1944  6402 E FFMPEG  : [hi_svr_format.c:11570] Pointer pArg is NULL, return failure
05-07 10:17:37.948  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  : [device/hisilicon/bigfish/hidolphin/external/ffmpeg_up_cont/ffmpeg_adp/libavformatadp_v100r002/hi_svr_format.c:11836] set cache time = -433018612
05-07 10:17:37.948  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  : [hi_svr_format.c:8220] avformat_open_input start!
05-07 10:17:37.948  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  : parse fd is 7
05-07 10:17:37.948  1944  6402 E FFMPEG  : init protocal buffer size is 32768
05-07 10:17:37.949  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  : [mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 0xe85b6800] [avformat_open_input] mov_context_ext_get_size = 424 done
05-07 10:17:37.949  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  : [mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 0xe85b6800] [mov_read_header,6872] read_header start...
05-07 10:17:37.949  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  : [mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 0xe85b6800] [mov_qs_start_check,668][Qstart] start to check if use quick start mode...
05-07 10:17:37.949  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  : [mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 0xe85b6800] [mov_qs_start_check,783][Qstart] check done. quick_start_state=0, nb_preload_indexes=0, nb_threads=0, blk_size=0, onlysta.
05-07 10:17:37.949  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  : [mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 0xe85b6800] [mov_read_ctts,3372] ic=0xe85b6800, size=30240, track[0] entries=3779
05-07 10:17:37.949  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  : [mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 0xe85b6800] dts shift 0
05-07 10:17:37.950  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  : [mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 0xe85b6800] [mov_read_stsz,3249][Qstart] ic=0xe85b6800, eof_reached=0, atom size=15252, track[0] entries=3810, field_size=32, num_byt0
05-07 10:17:37.950  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  : [mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 0xe85b6800] [mov_read_stco,2311] ic=0xe85b6800, size=11920, track[0] entries=2978
05-07 10:17:37.950  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  : [mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 0xe85b6800] [mov_build_index,4025] before build, st[0] nb_index_entries=0
05-07 10:17:37.950  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  : [mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 0xe85b6800] [mov_build_index,4051] stream[0] sample_count is 3810, pseudo_stream_id=0, keyframe_count=21
05-07 10:17:37.953  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  : [mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 0xe85b6800] [mov_build_index,4275] after build, st[0] nb_index_entries=3810
05-07 10:17:37.954  2133  6278 D PowerManagerService: updateWakeLockWorkSourceInternal: lock=454961 [AudioMix], ws=null
05-07 10:17:37.954  2133  6278 D PowerManagerNotifier: onWakeLockReleased: flags=1, tag="AudioMix", packageName=audioserver, ownerUid=1041, ownerPid=0, workSource=WorkSource{1000}
05-07 10:17:37.954  2133  6278 D PowerManagerNotifier: onWakeLockAcquired: flags=1, tag="AudioMix", packageName=audioserver, ownerUid=1041, ownerPid=0, workSource=null
05-07 10:17:37.954  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  : [mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 0xe85b6800] [mov_read_stsz,3249][Qstart] ic=0xe85b6800, eof_reached=0, atom size=11928, track[1] entries=2979, field_size=32, num_byt6
05-07 10:17:37.954  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  : [mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 0xe85b6800] [mov_read_stco,2311] ic=0xe85b6800, size=11916, track[1] entries=2977
05-07 10:17:37.955  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  : [mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 0xe85b6800] [mov_build_index,4025] before build, st[1] nb_index_entries=0
05-07 10:17:37.955  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  : [mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 0xe85b6800] [mov_build_index,4051] stream[1] sample_count is 2979, pseudo_stream_id=0, keyframe_count=0
05-07 10:17:37.955  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  : [mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 0xe85b6800] [mov_build_index,4275] after build, st[1] nb_index_entries=2979
05-07 10:17:37.955  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  : [mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 0xe85b6800] [Qstart] mov_read_moov OK ,cur pos=143750525
05-07 10:17:37.955  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  : [hi_svr_format.c:8303] avformat_open_input success!
05-07 10:17:37.955  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  : [hi_svr_format.c:3904] find stream info before
05-07 10:17:37.955  1944  6402 W FFMPEG  : [mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 0xe85b6800] [utils_config_qs,88] no need probe Codec Para, demux=mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2
05-07 10:17:37.955  1944  6402 W FFMPEG  : [mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 0xe85b6800] [utils_config_qs:112] use minmum probe size && analyze duration!
05-07 10:17:37.956  1944  6402 W FFMPEG  : [mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 0xe85b6800] [utils_config_qs:127] prop set need width&height=1!
05-07 10:17:37.956  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  : [mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 0xe85b6800] [avformat_find_stream_info,4153] Before avformat_find_stream_info() pos: 143750525 bytes read:135327 seeks:1 nb_streams:2
05-07 10:17:37.956  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  : [mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 0xe85b6800] [avformat_find_stream_info:4240] find decoder consume 0 ms
05-07 10:17:37.956  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  : [mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 0xe85b6800] [avformat_find_stream_info,4318] All info found
05-07 10:17:37.956  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  : [mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 0xe85b6800] [avformat_find_stream_info:4496] find stream info probe data size: 0, consume 0 ms
05-07 10:17:37.956  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  : [mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 0xe85b6800] [avformat_find_stream_info:4654] estimate_timings start...
05-07 10:17:37.956  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  : [mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 0xe85b6800] [avformat_find_stream_info:4663] start estimate_timings done!
05-07 10:17:37.956  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  : [mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 0xe85b6800] [avformat_find_stream_info,4773] After avformat_find_stream_info() pos: 143750525 bytes read:135327 seeks:1 frames:0
05-07 10:17:37.956  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  : [hi_svr_format.c:3909] find stream info end
05-07 10:17:37.956  1944  6402 W FFMPEG  : [hi_svr_format.c:3933] start time is invalid!
05-07 10:17:37.956  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  : [hi_svr_format.c:4015] duration = 63535000
05-07 10:17:37.956  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  :
05-07 10:17:37.956  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  :
05-07 10:17:37.956  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  : *************************************************
05-07 10:17:37.956  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  : Stream type: ES
05-07 10:17:37.956  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  : Source type: LOCAL
05-07 10:17:37.956  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  :
05-07 10:17:37.956  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  : Program 2:
05-07 10:17:37.956  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  :    video den = 15360
05-07 10:17:37.956  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  :    video num = 1
05-07 10:17:37.956  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  :    video pid = 1
05-07 10:17:37.956  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  :    video index = 0, codec id = 28
05-07 10:17:37.956  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  :    video 0 info:
05-07 10:17:37.956  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  : avg_frame_rate fps is 60.0
05-07 10:17:37.956  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  :      stream idx:   0
05-07 10:17:37.956  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  :      w * h:        3840 * 2160
05-07 10:17:37.956  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  :      fps:          60.0
05-07 10:17:37.956  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  :      bps:          17968948 bits/s
05-07 10:17:37.956  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  :      profile:      65535
05-07 10:17:37.956  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  :      format:       H264
05-07 10:17:37.956  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  :      VdepTrackId:  -1
05-07 10:17:37.956  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  :      eHdrVidType:  0
05-07 10:17:37.956  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  :      u32ElFormat:  MPEG2
05-07 10:17:37.956  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  :      u32ElWidth:   0
05-07 10:17:37.956  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  :      u32ElHeight:  0
05-07 10:17:37.956  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  :      s32Compatible:0
05-07 10:17:37.956  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  :      s32HdrVdepStremId:-1
05-07 10:17:37.956  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  : Audio language = eng
05-07 10:17:37.956  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  :    audio den = 48000
05-07 10:17:37.956  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  :    audio num = 1
05-07 10:17:37.956  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  :    audio index = 1, samplerate = 48000
05-07 10:17:37.956  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  :    audio channels = 2, blockalign = 0
05-07 10:17:37.956  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  :    audio codeid = 86018, bitrate = 128356
05-07 10:17:37.956  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  :    audio bit per sample = 16
05-07 10:17:37.956  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  :    audio 0 info:
05-07 10:17:37.956  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  :      stream idx:   1
05-07 10:17:37.956  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  :      samplerate:   48000 Hz
05-07 10:17:37.956  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  :      bitpersample: 16
05-07 10:17:37.956  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  :      channels:     2
05-07 10:17:37.956  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  :      blockAlign:   0
05-07 10:17:37.956  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  :      bps:          128356 bits/s
05-07 10:17:37.956  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  :      lang:         eng
05-07 10:17:37.956  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  :      title:         
05-07 10:17:37.957  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  :      profile:      65535
05-07 10:17:37.957  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  :      samplerateidx:     3
05-07 10:17:37.957  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  :      samplerate in tab: 48000
05-07 10:17:37.957  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  :      profile:           1
05-07 10:17:37.957  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  :      channels:          2
05-07 10:17:37.957  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  :      format:       AAC
05-07 10:17:37.957  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  :
05-07 10:17:37.957  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  :
05-07 10:17:37.957  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  : *************************************************
05-07 10:17:37.957  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  : HI_SVR_FORMAT_FindStream NetUrl:0
05-07 10:17:37.957  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  : [hi_svr_format.c,13629] Thread_GetBufferStreamType:2
05-07 10:17:37.958  1944  6402 W HiPlayer: [10:17:37.958] [svr_pctrl.c:5226] find subtitle file
05-07 10:17:37.958  1944  6402 W HiPlayer: [10:17:37.958] [svr_pctrl.c:5343] set vsink 0xe6cc44d8, asink:0, SurfaceType:0
05-07 10:17:37.958  1944  6402 I HiPlayer: [10:17:37.958] [svr_padpt.c:1959] Begin to setVsink
05-07 10:17:37.958  1944  6404 I FFMPEG  : thread: Thread_Handle_Proc
05-07 10:17:37.960  1944  6404 I FFMPEG  : [SWITCH-PG ][SEEK2 ] first frame read (video), key=1, size=733331, pts=0(0), pos=48, time=227923368
05-07 10:17:37.960  1944  6404 I FFMPEG  : [SWITCH-PG ][SEEK2 ] first frame read (video Key frame), key=1, size=733331, pts=0(0), pos=48, time=227923368
05-07 10:17:37.961  1944  6404 I FFMPEG  : [SWITCH-PG ][SEEK2 ] first frame read (audio), key=1, size=46, pts=-21(-1024), pos=733379, time=227923369
05-07 10:17:37.973  1944  6402 I HiPlayer: [10:17:37.973] [svr_padpt.c:2027] End of setVsink, set success
05-07 10:17:37.973  1944  6402 D AV      : enDemuxId:0
05-07 10:17:37.973  1944  6402 I HI_AVPLAY: [-320041547 NOTICE-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_GetDefaultConfig[4699]: ===>[Enter]
05-07 10:17:37.973  1944  6402 I HI_AVPLAY: [-320041547 NOTICE-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_GetDefaultConfig[4724]: <===[Exit]
05-07 10:17:37.973  1944  6402 D AV      : enDemuxId:0, enStreamType:1, u32VidBufSize:0x500000, u32AudBufSize:0x40000
05-07 10:17:37.973  1944  6402 I HI_AVPLAY: [-320041547 NOTICE-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_Create[4739]: ===>[Enter]
05-07 10:17:37.974  1944  6402 I HI_AVPLAY: [-320041546 NOTICE-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_Create[4890]: <===[Exit]
05-07 10:17:37.974  1944  6402 I HI_AVPLAY: [-320041546 NOTICE-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_GetAttr[5385]: ===>[Enter]
05-07 10:17:37.974  1944  6402 I HI_AVPLAY: [-320041546 NOTICE-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_GetAttr[5482]: <===[Exit]
05-07 10:17:37.974  1944  6402 D AV      : av_open success, avplay handle:0xe8606800, sdk handle:0x360000
05-07 10:17:37.974  1944  6402 D AV      : create avplay handle = 0x360000
05-07 10:17:37.974  1944  6402 I HiPlayer: [10:17:37.974] [svr_padpt.c:1618] Begin to Create window
05-07 10:17:37.976  1944  6402 W HI_VO   : [-320041544 WARN-HI_VO]:DlopenDolbyLibFunc[126]:Register libdolbyvision.so fail:dlopen failed: library "libdolbyvision.so" not found.
05-07 10:17:37.976  1944  6402 W HI_VO   : [-320041544 WARN-HI_VO]:MPI_WIN_ConnectDolbyLib[266]:DlsymDolbyLibFunc fail ret = -1
05-07 10:17:37.976  1944  6402 W HI_VO   : [-320041544 WARN-HI_VO]:HI_MPI_WIN_Create[476]:MPI_WIN_LinkDolbyLib error
05-07 10:17:37.977  1944  6402 I HiPlayer: [10:17:37.977] [svr_padpt.c:1640] freeze-switch,0,0,1920,1080,u32DisableSetWinRect:0
05-07 10:17:37.977  1944  6402 I HiPlayer: [10:17:37.977] [svr_padpt.c:1653] Create window success
05-07 10:17:37.977  1944  6402 D AV      : av_inject_open success, inject handle:0xe85b3940
05-07 10:17:37.977  1944  6402 I HiPlayer: [10:17:37.977] [svr_padpt.c:1725] Begin to Create audio track
05-07 10:17:37.977  1944  6402 D hal_aout: track_create called
05-07 10:17:37.977  1944  6402 I HiPlayer: [10:17:37.977] [svr_padpt.c:1743] Create audio track success, hdl[0xe0001]
05-07 10:17:37.977  1944  6402 W HI_AO   : [-320041543 WARN-HI_AO]:ClientTrackIDMEnquire[1482]:Client track not found
05-07 10:17:37.977  1944  6402 W HI_AO   : [-320041543 WARN-HI_AO]:ClientTrackIDMEnquire[1483]:hTrack = 0x000E0001
05-07 10:17:37.977  1944  6402 E HI_AO   : [-320041543 ERROR-HI_AO]:RENDER_GetRenderTrackID[238]:Call Source_GetRenderTrackID Failed, Error Code: [0xFFFFFFFF]
05-07 10:17:37.977  1944  6402 E HI_AO   : [-320041543 ERROR-HI_AO]:HI_MPI_AO_Track_SetWeight[1817]:Call RENDER_GetRenderTrackID Failed, Error Code: [0xFFFFFFFF]
05-07 10:17:37.977  1944  6402 D hal_aout: track_attach_input called
05-07 10:17:37.977  1944  6402 D AV      : av_inject_open success, inject handle:0xe85b3740
05-07 10:17:37.977  1944  6402 D AV      : Register event(2)
05-07 10:17:37.977  1944  6402 E AV      : do not support the event type(16)
05-07 10:17:37.977  1944  6402 E HiPlayer: [10:17:37.977] [svr_padpt.c:1909] Result fail[error code = 0xff000103], Exit PADPT_RegistAVEvent
05-07 10:17:37.977  1944  6402 D AV      : Register event(20)
05-07 10:17:37.977  1944  6402 D AV      : Register event(13)
05-07 10:17:37.977  1944  6402 D AV      : Register event(30)
05-07 10:17:37.977  1944  6402 D AV      : Register event(7)
05-07 10:17:37.977  1944  6402 D AV      : Register event(12)
05-07 10:17:37.977  1944  6402 D AV      : Register event(35)
05-07 10:17:37.977  1944  6402 D AV      : Register event(15)
05-07 10:17:37.978  1944  6402 I HiPlayer: [10:17:37.977] [svr_pctrl.c:5348] enter play unf consume 19 (increase 19 for creating padpt)
05-07 10:17:37.978  1944  6402 E AV      : audio already stop
05-07 10:17:37.978  1944  6402 I HI_AVPLAY: [-320041542 NOTICE-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_GetAttr[5385]: ===>[Enter]
05-07 10:17:37.978  1944  6402 I HI_AVPLAY: [-320041542 NOTICE-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_GetAttr[5482]: <===[Exit]
05-07 10:17:37.978  1944  6402 I HI_AVPLAY: [-320041542 NOTICE-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_SetAttr[5277]: ===>[Enter]
05-07 10:17:37.978  1944  6402 I HI_AVPLAY: [-320041542 NOTICE-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_SetAttr[5373]: <===[Exit]
05-07 10:17:37.978  1944  6402 I HI_AVPLAY: [-320041542 NOTICE-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_ChnOpen[5036]: ===>[Enter]
05-07 10:17:37.984  1944  6402 I HI_AVPLAY: [-320041536 NOTICE-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_ChnOpen[5123]: <===[Exit]
05-07 10:17:37.984  1944  6402 D hal_aout: track_attach_input called
05-07 10:17:37.984  1944  6402 I HI_AVPLAY: [-320041536 NOTICE-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_AttachSnd[6256]: ===>[Enter]
05-07 10:17:37.984  1944  6402 I HI_AVPLAY: [-320041536 NOTICE-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_AttachSnd[6283]: <===[Exit]
05-07 10:17:37.984  1944  6402 D hal_aout: track_attach_input called
05-07 10:17:37.984  1944  6402 I HI_AVPLAY: [-320041536 NOTICE-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_AttachSnd[6256]: ===>[Enter]
05-07 10:17:37.984  1944  6402 I HI_AVPLAY: [-320041536 NOTICE-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_AttachSnd[6283]: <===[Exit]
05-07 10:17:37.984  1944  6402 I HI_AVPLAY: [-320041536 NOTICE-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_GetAttr[5385]: ===>[Enter]
05-07 10:17:37.984  1944  6402 I HI_AVPLAY: [-320041536 NOTICE-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_GetAttr[5482]: <===[Exit]
05-07 10:17:37.984  1944  6402 W HI_ADEC : [-320041536 WARN-HI_ADEC]:ADEC_FindSupportDecoderImple[183]:Format:Find bSupport:CodecID:
05-07 10:17:37.984  1944  6402 W HI_ADEC : [-320041536 WARN-HI_ADEC]:ADEC_FindSupportDecoderImple[184]:enFormat = 0x00000002
05-07 10:17:37.984  1944  6402 W HI_ADEC : [-320041536 WARN-HI_ADEC]:ADEC_FindSupportDecoderImple[185]:bSupport = False
05-07 10:17:37.985  1944  6402 W HI_ADEC : [-320041535 WARN-HI_ADEC]:ADEC_FindSupportDecoderImple[186]:enCodecID = 0x80020001
05-07 10:17:37.985  1944  6402 E HI_ADEC : [-320041535 ERROR-HI_ADEC]:HA_SetConfig[86]: 05-07 10:17:37.985  1944  6402 E HI_ADEC : >
05-07 10:17:37.985  1944  6402 E HI_ADEC : [-320041535 ERROR-HI_ADEC]:HA_SetConfig[87]:pstConfig->enFormat = 2
05-07 10:17:37.985  1944  6402 I HI_AVPLAY: [-320041535 NOTICE-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_SetAttr[5277]: ===>[Enter]
05-07 10:17:37.985  1944  6402 E HI_ADEC : [-320041535 ERROR-HI_ADEC]:ADEC_UpdateProc[4207]:invalid NULL poiner!
05-07 10:17:37.985  1944  6402 I HI_AVPLAY: [-320041535 NOTICE-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_SetAttr[5373]: <===[Exit]
05-07 10:17:37.985  1944  6402 I HiPlayer: [10:17:37.985] [svr_padpt.c:2751] Set audio stream success, stream index = 1
05-07 10:17:37.985  1944  6402 W HI_ADEC : [-320041535 WARN-HI_ADEC]:ADEC_GetBufferStatus[3327]:adec state invalid
05-07 10:17:37.985  1944  6402 I HiPlayer: [10:17:37.985] [svr_padpt.c:3125] resent data, time:-1, stream index:1
05-07 10:17:37.985  1944  6402 I HiPlayer: [10:17:37.985] [svr_pctrl.c:5390] demux support tplay?(0)
05-07 10:17:37.985  1944  6402 E HisiMediaPlayer: HI_SVR_PLAYER_SetMedia use time = 52 ms
05-07 10:17:37.985  1944  6402 I HisiMediaPlayer: SetOutPutSettings 3D Support & Type: 0
05-07 10:17:37.985  1944  6402 I HisiMediaPlayer: mDisplayStrategy Is 1
05-07 10:17:37.985  1944  6402 I HisiMediaPlayer: OutPut Adapter Mode
05-07 10:17:37.985  1944  6402 I HisiMediaPlayer: TV Support 1080P_24FPS Ability is 0
05-07 10:17:37.985  1944  6402 I HisiMediaPlayer: mPlayer->mDisplayStrategy is 1
05-07 10:17:37.985  1944  6402 V HisiMediaPlayer: curAStreamId is 0 format 2 subid is -1
05-07 10:17:37.985  1944  6402 V HisiMediaPlayer: going to set seek mode to pos
05-07 10:17:37.985  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  : [Thread_doInvoke:11775] set seek mode:1#
05-07 10:17:37.985  1944  6402 E HisiMediaPlayer: ERR: HI_SVR_PLAYER_Invoke HI_FORMAT_INVOKE_SET_SEEK_MODE fail!
05-07 10:17:37.985  1944  6402 V HisiMediaPlayer: going to set dobly drc mode mode to line
05-07 10:17:37.985  1944  6402 W HiPlayer: [10:17:37.985] [svr_pctrl.c:6524] set dolby drcmode 2
05-07 10:17:37.985  1944  6402 I HiPlayer: [10:17:37.985] [svr_padpt.c:1533] Set doblyDrcMode is 2
05-07 10:17:37.985  1944  6402 V HisiMediaPlayer: set set dobly drc mode success
05-07 10:17:37.985  1944  6402 E System  : Register RM callback, eventId = 0x1
05-07 10:17:37.986  1944  6402 V HisiMediaPlayer: HI_SVR_PLAYER_ATTR_AVPLAYER_HDL, mhAV:0x360000, s32Ret:0
05-07 10:17:37.986  1944  6402 V HisiMediaPlayer: [SWITCH-PG ] Call prepareAsyncComplete IN
05-07 10:17:37.986  1944  6402 V HisiMediaPlayer: HiMediaPlayer::setProcInfo,etype=6,time=227923394
05-07 10:17:37.986  1944  6402 V HisiMediaPlayer: prepareAsyncComplete done
05-07 10:17:37.986  1944  6402 V HisiMediaPlayer: HiMediaPlayer::prepareAsyncComplete, go to prepare_l
05-07 10:17:37.986  1944  6402 V HisiMediaPlayer: prepare_l go to get file info
05-07 10:17:37.986  1944  6402 V HisiMediaPlayer: *************************************************
05-07 10:17:37.986  1944  6402 V HisiMediaPlayer: Stream type: ES
05-07 10:17:37.986  1944  6402 V HisiMediaPlayer: Source type: LOCAL
05-07 10:17:37.986  1944  6402 V HisiMediaPlayer: File size:   143750525 bytes
05-07 10:17:37.986  1944  6402 V HisiMediaPlayer: Start time:  0:0:0
05-07 10:17:37.986  1944  6402 V HisiMediaPlayer: Duration:    0:1:4
05-07 10:17:37.986  1944  6402 V HisiMediaPlayer: bps:         18100325 bits/s
05-07 10:17:37.986  1944  6402 V HisiMediaPlayer: Program 0:
05-07 10:17:37.986  1944  6402 V HisiMediaPlayer: service name:
05-07 10:17:37.986  1944  6402 V HisiMediaPlayer: service provider:
05-07 10:17:37.986  1944  6402 V HisiMediaPlayer:    video 0 info:
05-07 10:17:37.986  1944  6402 V HisiMediaPlayer:      stream idx:   0
05-07 10:17:37.986  1944  6402 V HisiMediaPlayer:      stream pid:   1
05-07 10:17:37.986  1944  6402 V HisiMediaPlayer:      format:       4
05-07 10:17:37.986  1944  6402 V HisiMediaPlayer:      w * h:        3840 * 2160
05-07 10:17:37.986  1944  6402 V HisiMediaPlayer:      fps:          60.0
05-07 10:17:37.986  1944  6402 V HisiMediaPlayer:      bps:          17968948 bits/s
05-07 10:17:37.986  1944  6402 V HisiMediaPlayer:      duration:     0:1:4
05-07 10:17:37.986  1944  6402 V HisiMediaPlayer:    audio 0 info:
05-07 10:17:37.986  1944  6402 V HisiMediaPlayer:      stream idx:   1
05-07 10:17:37.986  1944  6402 V HisiMediaPlayer:      stream pid:   2
05-07 10:17:37.986  1944  6402 V HisiMediaPlayer:      format:       2
05-07 10:17:37.986  1944  6402 V HisiMediaPlayer:      samplerate:   48000 Hz
05-07 10:17:37.986  1944  6402 V HisiMediaPlayer:      bitpersample: 16
05-07 10:17:37.986  1944  6402 V HisiMediaPlayer:      channels:     2
05-07 10:17:37.986  1944  6402 V HisiMediaPlayer:      bps:          128356 bits/s
05-07 10:17:37.986  1944  6402 V HisiMediaPlayer:      lang:         eng
05-07 10:17:37.986  1944  6402 V HisiMediaPlayer:      subID:        -1
05-07 10:17:37.986  1944  6402 V HisiMediaPlayer:      duration:     0:1:4
05-07 10:17:37.986  1944  6402 V HisiMediaPlayer: *************************************************
05-07 10:17:37.987  1944  6402 E HisiMediaPlayer_Subtitle: User data style.xml file read failed!... try to read system style.xml file
05-07 10:17:37.987  1944  6402 E HisiMediaPlayer_Subtitle: Subtitle system style.xml file is not parsed successfully.
05-07 10:17:37.987  1944  6402 E HisiMediaPlayer_Subtitle: Can't find Style xmlfile
05-07 10:17:37.989  1944  6402 V HiMediaPlayerManage: message received msg=5, ext1=3840, ext2=2160
05-07 10:17:37.989  1944  6402 V HiMediaPlayerManage: New video size 3840 x 2160
05-07 10:17:37.989  1944  6402 V HiMediaPlayerManage: back from callback
05-07 10:17:37.989  1944  6402 I HiPlayer: [10:17:37.989] [svr_padpt.c:4377] freeze-switch:mode:1
05-07 10:17:37.989  1944  6402 V HisiMediaPlayer: prepare_l get file info finish
05-07 10:17:37.989  1944  6402 V HiMediaPlayerManage: message received msg=200, ext1=710, ext2=80
05-07 10:17:37.990  1944  6402 W HiMediaPlayerManage: info/warning (710, 80)
05-07 10:17:37.990  6361  6379 W MediaPlayerNative: info/warning (710, 80)
05-07 10:17:37.990  1944  6402 V HiMediaPlayerManage: back from callback
05-07 10:17:37.990  1944  6402 V HisiMediaPlayer: Send Event MEDIA_PREPARED
05-07 10:17:37.990  1944  6402 V HisiMediaPlayer: Send Event MEDIA_PREPARED in local play
05-07 10:17:37.990  1944  6402 V HiMediaPlayerManage: message received msg=1, ext1=0, ext2=0
05-07 10:17:37.990  1944  6402 V HiMediaPlayerManage: prepared
05-07 10:17:37.990  1944  6402 V HiMediaPlayerManage: back from callback
05-07 10:17:37.990  1944  6402 W HiPlayer: [10:17:37.990] [svr_pctrl.c:7087] Get seekable result:1
05-07 10:17:37.999  1809  2983 E BufferQueueProducer: [com.example.myapplication/com.example.myapplication.MainActivity#0] disconnect: not connected (req=1)
05-07 10:17:38.000  6361  6380 W libEGL  : EGLNativeWindowType 0x7545adf010 disconnect failed
05-07 10:17:38.006  6361  6366 I zygote64: Do partial code cache collection, code=125KB, data=78KB
05-07 10:17:38.007  6361  6366 I zygote64: After code cache collection, code=125KB, data=78KB
05-07 10:17:38.007  6361  6366 I zygote64: Increasing code cache capacity to 512KB
05-07 10:17:38.013  1798  1798 I vndksupport: sphal namespace is not configured for this process. Loading /vendor/lib64/hw/gralloc.bigfish.so from the current namespace instead.
05-07 10:17:38.021  1944  2953 V HiMediaPlayerManage: Call setLooping IN
05-07 10:17:38.021  1944  2953 V HisiMediaPlayer: SetLooping loop[0]
05-07 10:17:38.021  1944  2953 V HiMediaPlayerManage: invoke 12
05-07 10:17:38.021  1944  2953 V HisiMediaPlayer: set track volume:100 100
05-07 10:17:38.021  1944  2953 W HI_AO   : [-320041499 WARN-HI_AO]:ClientTrackIDMEnquire[1482]:Client track not found
05-07 10:17:38.021  1944  2953 W HI_AO   : [-320041499 WARN-HI_AO]:ClientTrackIDMEnquire[1483]:hTrack = 0x000E0001
05-07 10:17:38.021  1944  2953 E HI_AO   : [-320041499 ERROR-HI_AO]:RENDER_GetRenderTrackID[238]:Call Source_GetRenderTrackID Failed, Error Code: [0xFFFFFFFF]
05-07 10:17:38.021  1944  2953 E HI_AO   : [-320041499 ERROR-HI_AO]:HI_MPI_AO_Track_SetWeight[1817]:Call RENDER_GetRenderTrackID Failed, Error Code: [0xFFFFFFFF]
05-07 10:17:38.021  1944  2953 V HisiMediaPlayer: SetVolume L-R [100  100]
05-07 10:17:38.021  1944  3883 V HiMediaPlayerManage: Call setLooping IN
05-07 10:17:38.021  1944  3883 V HisiMediaPlayer: SetLooping loop[0]
05-07 10:17:38.022  1944  3883 V HiMediaPlayerManage: Call start IN
05-07 10:17:38.022  1944  3883 V HisiMediaPlayer: SetLooping loop[0]
05-07 10:17:38.022  1944  3883 V HisiMediaPlayer: [SWITCH-PG ] Call HiMediaPlayer::start() IN
05-07 10:17:38.022  1944  3883 V HisiMediaPlayer: HiMediaPlayer::setProcInfo,etype=1,time=0
05-07 10:17:38.022  1944  3883 V HisiMediaPlayer: HiMediaPlayer::setProcInfo,etype=2,time=0
05-07 10:17:38.022  1944  3883 V HisiMediaPlayer: HiMediaPlayer::setProcInfo,etype=3,time=227923333
05-07 10:17:38.022  1944  3883 V HisiMediaPlayer: HiMediaPlayer::setProcInfo,etype=4,time=0
05-07 10:17:38.022  1944  3883 V HisiMediaPlayer: HiMediaPlayer::setProcInfo,etype=5,time=227923338
05-07 10:17:38.022  1944  3883 V HisiMediaPlayer: HiMediaPlayer::setProcInfo,etype=6,time=227923394
05-07 10:17:38.022  1944  3883 V HisiMediaPlayer: HiMediaPlayer::setProcInfo,etype=7,time=227923430
05-07 10:17:38.022  1944  3883 V HiMediaPlayerManage: message received msg=200, ext1=710, ext2=90
05-07 10:17:38.022  1944  3883 W HiMediaPlayerManage: info/warning (710, 90)
05-07 10:17:38.022  1944  3883 V HiMediaPlayerManage: back from callback
05-07 10:17:38.022  1944  3883 I HisiMediaPlayer: mVideoPlayMode:2
05-07 10:17:38.022  1944  6402 V HisiMediaPlayer: [SWITCH-PG ] Call doStart IN
05-07 10:17:38.022  1944  6402 I FFMPEG  : user ope, resume cmd(0), set bclose = 0, bstop = 0
05-07 10:17:38.023  1944  6403 I HiPlayer: [10:17:38.023] [svr_padpt.c:2846] Begin to start video channel
05-07 10:17:38.023  1944  6403 E AV      : video already stop
05-07 10:17:38.023  1944  6403 I HiPlayer: [10:17:38.023] [svr_padpt.c:2243] enable sync smooth
05-07 10:17:38.023  1944  6403 I HiPlayer: [10:17:38.023] [svr_padpt.c:2260] enable sync quick output
05-07 10:17:38.023  1944  6403 D AV      : set vdec codec type = 0x5
05-07 10:17:38.023  1944  6403 I HI_AVPLAY: [-320041497 NOTICE-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_GetAttr[5385]: ===>[Enter]
05-07 10:17:38.023  1944  6403 I HI_AVPLAY: [-320041497 NOTICE-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_GetAttr[5482]: <===[Exit]
05-07 10:17:38.024  1944  6403 I HI_AVPLAY: [-320041496 NOTICE-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_SetAttr[5277]: ===>[Enter]
05-07 10:17:38.024  1944  6403 I HI_AVPLAY: [-320041496 NOTICE-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_SetAttr[5373]: <===[Exit]
05-07 10:17:38.024  1944  6403 I HI_AVPLAY: [-320041496 NOTICE-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_GetAttr[5385]: ===>[Enter]
05-07 10:17:38.024  1944  6403 I HI_AVPLAY: [-320041496 NOTICE-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_GetAttr[5482]: <===[Exit]
05-07 10:17:38.024  1944  6403 D AV      : set CapLevel HI_UNF_VCODEC_CAP_LEVEL_4096x2160
05-07 10:17:38.024  1944  6403 I HI_AVPLAY: [-320041496 NOTICE-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_SetAttr[5277]: ===>[Enter]
05-07 10:17:38.024  1944  6403 I HI_AVPLAY: [-320041496 NOTICE-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_SetAttr[5373]: <===[Exit]
05-07 10:17:38.024  1944  6403 I HI_AVPLAY: [-320041496 NOTICE-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_ChnOpen[5036]: ===>[Enter]
05-07 10:17:38.027  1944  6403 I HI_AVPLAY: [-320041493 NOTICE-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_ChnOpen[5123]: <===[Exit]
05-07 10:17:38.027  1944  6403 I HI_AVPLAY: [-320041493 NOTICE-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_GetSyncVdecHandle[5957]: ===>[Enter]
05-07 10:17:38.027  1944  6403 I HI_AVPLAY: [-320041493 NOTICE-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_GetSyncVdecHandle[5973]: <===[Exit]
05-07 10:17:38.027  1944  6403 D AV      : Set vdec to user mode, result code = 0x00000000!
05-07 10:17:38.027  1944  6403 E HI_VDEC : [-320041493 ERROR-HI_VDEC]:HI_MPI_VDEC_SetResolution[2779]: 05-07 10:17:38.027  1944  6403 E HI_VDEC : >
05-07 10:17:38.027  1944  6403 D AV      : Set vdec resolution, result code = 0xffffffff!
05-07 10:17:38.027  1944  6403 I HI_AVPLAY: [-320041493 NOTICE-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_AttachWindow[6059]: ===>[Enter]
05-07 10:17:38.027  1944  6403 I HI_AVPLAY: [-320041493 NOTICE-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_AttachWindow[6087]: <===[Exit]
05-07 10:17:38.027  1944  6403 I HiPlayer: [10:17:38.027] [svr_padpt.c:2665] Set video stream success, stream index = 0
05-07 10:17:38.027  1944  6403 E HiPlayer: [10:17:38.027] [svr_padpt.c:2865] set vdec config
05-07 10:17:38.027  1944  6403 I HI_AVPLAY: [-320041493 NOTICE-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_SetAttr[5277]: ===>[Enter]
05-07 10:17:38.027  1944  6403 I HI_AVPLAY: [-320041493 NOTICE-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_SetAttr[5373]: <===[Exit]
05-07 10:17:38.027  1944  6403 I HI_AVPLAY: [-320041493 NOTICE-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_GetWindowHandle[6010]: ===>[Enter]
05-07 10:17:38.027  1944  6403 I HI_AVPLAY: [-320041493 NOTICE-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_GetWindowHandle[6049]: <===[Exit]
05-07 10:17:38.027  1944  6403 I HI_AVPLAY: [-320041493 NOTICE-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_GetAttr[5385]: ===>[Enter]
05-07 10:17:38.027  1944  6403 I HI_AVPLAY: [-320041493 NOTICE-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_GetAttr[5482]: <===[Exit]
05-07 10:17:38.027  1944  6403 I HI_AVPLAY: [-320041493 NOTICE-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_SetAttr[5277]: ===>[Enter]
05-07 10:17:38.028  1944  6403 I HI_AVPLAY: [-320041492 NOTICE-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_SetAttr[5373]: <===[Exit]
05-07 10:17:38.028  1944  6403 I HI_AVPLAY: [-320041492 NOTICE-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_SetAttr[5277]: ===>[Enter]
05-07 10:17:38.028  1944  6403 I HI_AVPLAY: [-320041492 NOTICE-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_SetAttr[5373]: <===[Exit]
05-07 10:17:38.028  1944  6403 I HI_AVPLAY: [-320041492 NOTICE-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_GetAttr[5385]: ===>[Enter]
05-07 10:17:38.028  1944  6403 I HI_AVPLAY: [-320041492 NOTICE-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_GetAttr[5482]: <===[Exit]
05-07 10:17:38.028  1944  6403 I HI_AVPLAY: [-320041492 NOTICE-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_SetAttr[5277]: ===>[Enter]
05-07 10:17:38.028  1944  6403 I HI_AVPLAY: [-320041492 NOTICE-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_SetAttr[5373]: <===[Exit]
05-07 10:17:38.028  1944  6403 I HI_AVPLAY: [-320041492 NOTICE-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_GetAttr[5385]: ===>[Enter]
05-07 10:17:38.028  1944  6403 I HI_AVPLAY: [-320041492 NOTICE-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_GetAttr[5482]: <===[Exit]
05-07 10:17:38.028  1944  6403 I HI_AVPLAY: [-320041492 NOTICE-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_SetAttr[5277]: ===>[Enter]
05-07 10:17:38.028  1944  6403 I HI_AVPLAY: [-320041492 NOTICE-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_SetAttr[5373]: <===[Exit]
05-07 10:17:38.029  1944  6403 I HI_AVPLAY: [-320041492 NOTICE-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_GetWindowHandle[6010]: ===>[Enter]
05-07 10:17:38.029  1944  6403 I HI_AVPLAY: [-320041491 NOTICE-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_GetWindowHandle[6049]: <===[Exit]
05-07 10:17:38.029  1944  6403 I HI_AVPLAY: [-320041491 NOTICE-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_Start[6961]: ===>[Enter]
05-07 10:17:38.036  1944  6403 I HI_AVPLAY: [-320041484 NOTICE-HI_AVPLAY]:HI_MPI_AVPLAY_Start[7033]: <===[Exit]
05-07 10:17:38.036  1944  6403 E AV      : the command is invalid
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